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Annoying Things People Do To Piss Off Bartenders - Don’t Argue With The Bartender If He Thinks You Have Had Enough

Annoying Things People Do To Piss Off Bartenders - Don’t Argue With The Bartender If He Thinks You Have Had Enough

Annoying Things People Do To Piss Off Bartenders - Don’t Argue With The Bartender If He Thinks You Have Had Enough

Many do actually, expressing it is their right to order a drink if they want to. Well the bartender also has the right not to serve you anymore as he sees fit. Remember, management has the right to refuse service for certain reasons. The bartender is the manager of the bar, what he says goes. If he feels you have drank enough, well, that is it then. He is responsible for keeping the place and other customers safe from drunks. He is not trying to stop you from enjoying. Or violate your rights. So don’t argue the point further. You have the right to remain silent.

Source: https://ak2.picdn.net

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