www.barandclub.com - Bar And Club

Annoying Things People Do To Piss Off Bartenders - One Bar Stool Per Person

Annoying Things People Do To Piss Off Bartenders - One Bar Stool Per Person

Annoying Things People Do To Piss Off Bartenders - One Bar Stool Per Person

Unless you are expecting a friend or a date, don’t reserve the bar stool next to you. Every customer has the right to sit where they please, provided it is empty. Some people who don’t want to be bothered put their bags on the bar stool beside them. If you don’t want to be beside another person, sit at a table. The bar is a common area, it is not your private bar. Bartenders want to get as many customers served at the bar. It means more income, more tips. If you put your bag on the stool next to you, you are not only depriving a customer from sitting down. You are depriving the bartender more chances to earn his keep. Be thoughtful.

Source: https://media.timeout.com

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