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Annoying Things People Do To Piss Off Bartenders - Spilling Drinks And Asking For A Replacement On The House

Annoying Things People Do To Piss Off Bartenders - Spilling Drinks And Asking For A Replacement On The House

Annoying Things People Do To Piss Off Bartenders - Spilling Drinks And Asking For A Replacement On The House

Unless you are extremely clumsy, normally you won’t spill your drink as soon as you get it. But okay, accidents do happen. Bartenders are not stupid. They will help clean up the mess you made, it is part of their job. But if you think you can get a drink on the house because you spilled your drink, think again. You spilled it, your fault. Why should the bar pay for your mistake? Some people think that a spilled drink means automatically a free replacement. If it is the server’s or bartender’s fault you get one on the house with the proper apologies. So try not to spill your drink. Cheers!

Source: https://aolcdn.com

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