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Annoying Things People Do To Piss Off Bartenders - Trying To Impress The Bartender

Annoying Things People Do To Piss Off Bartenders - Trying To Impress The Bartender

Annoying Things People Do To Piss Off Bartenders - Trying To Impress The Bartender

Yes, there are those who seem to believe it is their job to test the bartender’s knowledge about drinks and alcohol. They figure it will impress the bartender. Not all bartenders are experts in drink concoctions, or types or brands of alcohol. But some will have a book on drink recipes if they need it. Others will simply tell you the drink is not available. So if you think you know more than the bartender, keep it to yourself. It annoys them when pseudo-intellectuals explain to them how a drink is made, or what are the different brands of alcohol that you have come across in your world travels. Don’t brag, just enjoy the drink.

Source: https://craftybartending.com

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