www.barandclub.com - Bar And Club

Google Website Translator

Google Website Translator

Growing and managing an international website can be challenging… espeically if your members and users speak different languages.

The Google Website Translator feature will adds a drop-down menu to our website, allowing users to select their language. Once selected, Google Translate will be used to translate the front-end of our website to the user’s selected language.

Key Benefits

  • Expanding our global reach by catering to users who speak a different language
  • Utilizing the power of Google to generate accurate, on-demand translations
  • Instantly translating text on the front-end of our website
  • Compatible with our member’s dashboard area
  • Over 100 supported languages 

NOTE: Though Google Translator is a very helpful tool to translate items, links, titles and other text on the front-end of our website, it may not always perfectly translate longer paragraphs and statements.

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